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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it being considered by another journal.
  • The CRCL style guide has been adhered to (see the Author Guidelines).
  • The manuscript has been anonymised, including self-referencing within the text, file metadata, and filenames.
  • The manuscript is in DOCX or LaTeX (with PDF) format, and includes bibliographical data (citation manager or BibTeX).
  • Any images are stored in a vector or lossless file format (e.g. TIFF, SVG, or PNG) (at 300dpi for bitmap files).
  • For CS papers, at least 30% of the manuscript's content is novel and relates explicitly to the themes of CRCL.
  • Any URLs in the manuscript have been checked for validity.

Author Guidelines

We invite submissions of 6,000 to 8,000 words (this includes any footnote text, but excludes references in footnotes and the list of references at the end of the text). Replies can have a maximum of 1,000 words, and author's responses a maximum of 500 words.

General submission requirements

  • Manuscript files must be anonymised (including removal of self-referencing).
  • We accept manuscripts in Word/docx and LaTeX formats (for initial peer review, please include at a minimum the generated PDF).
    • For Word/docx manuscripts, we strongly recommend using a citation manager such as Zotero. Please check your citations carefully. For details of citations styles, see the References section below.
    • For LaTeX manuscripts, please use the official crclart class for typesetting your manuscripts, with BibTeX and the right class option for the bibliography (see References section below).
  • Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words.
  • Manuscripts should be accompanied by five keywords.
  • Headings should be used (maximum of three levels, un-numbered).
  • Paragraphs should be spaced and should not be indented.

Spelling and grammar

Please use the styleguide of the European Commission for English language, notably sections 2 (punctuation), 3 (spelling), 4 (capitalisation), 6 (numbers) and 7 (abbreviations).

  • This entails using British English, though please use the original spelling in quotations.
  • No double spaces after periods.
  • No contractions (don’t, can’t, shouldn’t) except in quotations.
  • Words from any foreign language in italic.
  • Emphasised words in italic.
  • Novel or unusual uses of a word in ‘single inverted commas’.
  • We do not use the Oxford comma.

Some specific usage:

  • internet – no capitalisation.
  • internet of things – no capitalisation (but do use 'IoT').
  • ‘data’ in the singular (data is, not data are).

Please use singular plural pronouns, e.g. ‘The lawyer filed the complaint. They went…’ or ‘the doctor prescribed medication; they asked her to take one dose daily'. For more information see see


  • Short quotations (less than four lines long) should be 'in-line', using single inverted commas.
  • Quotations longer than four lines should be separated in an indented paragraph.
  • Within quotations, use double inverted commas for “unusual use of a term” and “in-quote quotations”.
  • Words omitted from the quoted text should be replaced with an ellipsis (…).
  • Substitutions within a quotation should use [square brackets], e.g. '[T]he inclusion…'.


The journal adopts different reference styles depending on the background (CS or Law) of the main author. The reply and responses, even when written by authors of the opposite background, follow the reference style of the main article.

  • For CS papers please use the ACM (Association for Computer Machinery) style (either the numeric citation style or the author-year) in Zotero, Endnote, BiB(La)tex other reference management software. 
    • A Citation Style Language (CSL) file for ACM is available here (this should install in your citation manager automatically).
    • LaTeX submissions should include a separate BibTeX file with all references between the document and the bibliography checked, and use the "csauthoryear" or "csnumeric" options of the crclart class.
  • For law and other papers please use the OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities) style in Zotero, Endnote or other reference management software.
    • A Citation Style Language (CSL) file for OSCOLA is available here (this should install in your citation manager automatically).
    • Word/docx manuscripts should include a bibliography at the end of the document.
    • LaTeX submissions should include a separate BibTeX file with all references between the document and the bibliography checked, and use the "law" option of the crclart class.
    • OSCOLA citations in footnotes do not count towards the word limit.
  • Citing cases (in footnotes):
  • Please check your citations thoroughly before submitting:
    • Use the correct citation style for your domain (see above).
    • Include an alphabetical reference list at the end of your text.

Images and figures

  • Images should be submitted in a vector or lossless file format (e.g. TIFF, SVG, or PNG). Images should have a resolution of at least 300dpi in the case of bitmap (non-vector) files.
  • Algebraic formulas should be in LaTeX format (in Word/docx manuscripts, formulas should be inline -- use the convert to LaTeX option).


Authors retain copyright in their manuscripts. CRCL is an open access journal (Platinum Open Access) and by submitting your manuscript you agree to it being licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC license upon publication.


Before submitting, please check the submission guidance page and ensure that your manuscript meets all the requirements listed there.

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